Robert Sanga

Robert Sanga

Saturday, December 31, 2011

A talk on Transport & Logistics

By Robert Sanga

- A very warm greetings to each one of you :) Thank you very much for giving me a chance to have a talk on transport and logistics. My name is Robert Sanga / Sui Than Sanga and I belong to Chin nationality of Burma which is also known as Myanmar. I had left the country due to the oppression of the dictatorial regime.

After passing All India Senior School Certificate Examination from Oxford Senior Secondary School, I had studied bachelor of Political Science from Dyal Singh College, Delhi University and a master in the same subject from Indira Gandhi National Open University before I finally resettled to Kristiansund, Norway on March 27, 2008. I am thankful to the integration program of the government which enables me to take a full Norwegian language class for two year. I had passed Norwegian Language Test A1, A2, A3 and also completed studying Norwegian Advance Level (Bergenstest) which further qualified me to study the academic program of my choice.

- I am studying transport & logistics at the moment and hopeful to have a great future career after completion of my study. I have a very wonderful plan of helping other with the best of my abilities. I understand that I cannot do much without having a good education qualification. I had decided to study transport and logistics because the study program provides a lot of job opportunities in transporting the needful things for other people.

Logistics plays a very crucial role in connecting different people around the world. I am sure that a career in logistics has a very important responsibility in transporting many products across the globe. It requires a good communication skill which I am trying to obtain at the moment. I am positive and confident of my success in planning a great future career ahead so that I may able to help other.

- The main study program of transport & logistics consists of studying in detail about terminal, warehousing, driving, the good way of transporting passengers and products including dangerous goods by using different transport systems. It’s about transporting things through the sea, air and the road. Communication is also a very important part of the study. English, Norwegian and society administration are additional subjects to the major program of study.

This field of study is very interesting as transport has to deal with a lot of people. No transport could be accomplishes by just one man as it has to do with the transporter, the importer and exporter. Logistics is actually the transport of not only good but also information. This combination makes things accessible from every corner of the world.

The large networking system of the “Posten Norge” is a great example of the functioning of transport and logistics. My study program includes studying the major logistical system. It is design to have a better understanding of a big network of transport which brings almost everything closer from one place to another.

- My program of study in “Transport & Logistics” will gives me a qualification requires to work in any transport branches. I will able to work in a terminal, store, freight forwarding company, airport, seaport, train and bus station etc. It can also give me a chance to work as a driver. I can be a bus and truck driver if I wish to take further study in that direction.

I know that there are many people who persuade higher study after completion of study in transport and logistics. My present study programs will certainly pave a way for further study in the field of Supply Chain Management, Petroleum Logistics, Shipping Logistics or Logistics Engineer in the future. There is a possibility of qualifying for a highly skills job in the ministry of transport as well.

- As a transporter, student can become a resourceful person in helping other. It is a well paid job with some social status attached to it. However, studying transports and logistics can be a bit stressful. It is stressful to have a plan of connecting transport system in bringing products from door to door or one corner to the other corner of the world. It’s not so easy to do everything in accordance with the plans. Unexpected things can happen, for which things can turn out of control at any point of time.

Once again, let me say thank you very much as it’s so good to be with you. I hope you all have a better understanding of my study program which will be shaping my future career. Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have which relates to my major field of study at this point of time :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Film Reviews by Robert Sanga

Rambo IV

“Live for nothing … or die for something”

1) Film introduction

- Hollywood superstar Sylvester Stallone is the main actor of Rambo part I, II, III and IV. He had been portrayed as a very patriot soldier who set priority to the life of innocent people than his own. The first series of the film Rambo part one was about the aftermath of Vietnam wars while part two was taken in Afghanistan, part three was in USA and part four was taken in Thailand and Burma (Myanmar).

Rambo IV was the last and final part of Rambo film series in which the entire crew members and producers had tried to bring the attention of international community against the brutalities of Burmese regime toward fellow citizens. The production of movie was completed in 2008, right after which the screening of the film was followed in all major big screens cinema halls around the world.

2) Summary of the plot

- Basically, the film was about problems of ongoing discrimination practiced by the Burmese regime against ethnic groups. The ethnic people are being discriminated on the ground of their ethnicity, language, religion and cultural diversity. The level of oppression toward them by the Burman majority has no limit which had triggered over six decades of civil wars in the country.

No foreigners were welcomed in the ethnically dominated areas but a group of Christian missionaries had managed to cross Burmese border from Thailand with the help of Sylvester Stallone (Rambo). Their journey was dangerous as Burmese border guards and pirates used to extort money across the border. The missions had encountered the pirates in the middle of the night and Stallone had to kill them all as it was not possible to negotiate with them.

In spite of many difficulties, the missions continued their journey and finally reached their destination. However, later they did not have a chance to return as they were kidnapped by Burmese army commander Maung Maung Khin and his associates who were brutally stationing in the Christian dominated Karen state of Burma.

The mission group pastor of the Church had to hire a group of American legendary soldier to rescue the missionaries and aid workers. Stallone was used as a boat driver for those soldier and they later found out that he was more than a simple boat driver. They never expected him to be so brave and strong in fighting against the oppressors!

3) The main character

- Sylvester Stallone, a group of missionaries, Burmese pirates, Maung Maung Khin and his associates’ army and a group of American soldier were the main characters of the film. They had different important roles which made the film very interesting. They had to play totally opposite character in which Karen people were the main issue of concern to them. They were a prey to Burman army while Stallone and the mission group acted as a rescuer. All the main characters had to struggle hard in order to survive.

4) Use of camera

- The film used both hand held and still digital high definition video camera. The modern qualitative technological video camera had brought the movement of actors so real. It’s just like seeing the actual real life. Action music was used with some special sound effects. There was not much dialogue, as the film had to do a lot with fighting and shooting. However, a very meaningful dialogues and short talked were used. Stallone calls on fight to comrades saying “Live for nothing… or die for something” was actually a very strong call.

5) Genre

- The film was very violence with full of action which includes just a few minutes of drama and comedy. It was funny to see how the commander army of Burmese border security had to run in fear as to escape from the bullets. After all he was the one who had started all those troubles. Stallone was determined to bring justice for those oppressed Karen Christian and American missionaries. As a result of which he along with some American soldier had to fight against the whole battalion of Burmese army who were stationing in the border. It’s thrilling to see how Stallone had wisely used his weapons and strength in defending the life of many innocent people.

6) Theme

- All the main characters of the film had to train hard for a long period of time as to depict the life of Karen people under the oppressive Burmese regime. Their hard work had contributed a lot to make a very interesting movie. In fact, it had been on top ten lists of action movies in the world. Their portrayal of the life of innocent people and their suffering under dictatorship had opened the eyes of many who did not have any ideas about the situation of refugees in the war zones.

It’s not something special for a famous actor to act for a film. But it’s more than a status for those Burmese who had acted for the first time. Some of them enjoyed the experience of fame after which they would definitely find it difficult to be back to a normal life. Not everyone is a popular actor in real life and it’s not easy to make a living out of acting as well. It requires talent, dedication and a lot of training, in addition to having a well known person who can supports and promotes someone in this very competitive world of modern film industry.

7) Personal opinion

- I think the movie was one of the best ever films produced for Burmese struggles against brutal dictatorial regimes. The ethnic people had fought over sixty year of civil wars but a very little attention had been paid to them. The United Nations Security Council can do nothing about it because China and Russia had been objecting to set a commission on crime against humanity and war crimes committed by the regime toward fellow citizens!

I really like the movie because the Burmese regime could no longer mask their face of brutality. It is not only inspiring but also encouraging to see that a Hollywood superstar Sylvester Stallone had made sincere efforts to contribute something in defending the right of innocent people. I believe that the popularity of his heroism will certainly continues to increase even after Rambo series, particularly this one!


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Aldersgrensen for å ta sertifikat

Av Robert Sanga

- Aldersgrensen for å ta førerkort er 18 år, men det er mange som synes at denne grensen bør heves. Det er fordi mange unge blir drept i trafikken. Tall fra Trygg Trafikk viser at 18 ungdommer allerede ble drept i trafikken på kort tid i 2011. Det er ganske et høyt antall og trist å vite at mange dyrebare liv er mistet i en knapptid på veiene.

De fleste av ulykkene skjer med unge mellom 15 og 24 år. Unge er glad i bil, men ikke opptatt av trafikk regler. De kjører for fort og dette er en hovedgrunn til alle ulykkene. Jeg mener at de unges tenker er ikke utviklet nok til å ta stort ansvar. De vet alle regler, men de har faktisk vanskeligheter med å ha fult kontroll på det.

Mange mener at 18 år grense er greit nok for å ta førerkort. De synes at hvis man har rett til å stemme ved i valg, er de voksen nok til å gjøre andre ting. En del ungdommer er avhengig av god transport og vil gjerne ha egen bil. Det er ikke mulig for foreldrene å kjøre dem til ungene blir 20 år. De må bli selvstendig, så fort som mulig.

Det er mange arbeids oppdrag som må gjennomføres med bil. Det er fordi bil er den eneste måten å frakte gods i noen yrker. Hvis aldergrensen blir hevet til 20 år for å ta sertifikat, blir det vanskelig for de unge å komme i arbeids livet.

Jeg synes at det er mer viktig å gi god kjøre opplæring til de unge enn å heve aldregrenser. Dermed vil vi unngå mange ulykker. Det er bra at foreldrene kan hjelpe med øvelseskjøring, men det blir bedre hvis en profesjonell sjåfør gir den nødvendige opplæring. Unge bør ta flere kjører timer sikkerlig slik at de kan bidra mer til trafikk sikkerhet.

Det er veldig viktig med gode veier slik at trafikk sikkerheten blir mer bedre. Jeg vet at mange ganger har ulykker skjedd på grunn av dårlige veier. Forkjellige aldergrupper opplever vanskeligheter med å kjøre bil på dårlige veier hver eneste dag. Staten bruker mye penger på å bygge ny veier, men det er behov for å bruke reassurer til vei reparasjoner også.

Hvis unge under 18 år får tillatelse til å kjøre bil, blir det problem. Det er ikke helt riktig å heve grenser til 20 år heller. De unge lærer ting fort. De kan allerede lære å kjøre bil før de blir 18 år. Men aldergrensersystemet gir en sikkerhet på veiene for de andre som kjører også. Så jeg er enig i at 18 år grense er passende, så lenge de unge kan ta være på seg selv og trafikk sikkerheten.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Av Robert Sanga

Den verdikjeden første trinn er råvareuttak. I denne trinn varer er ikke så dyr. Bedriften trenger ikke så mye penger for å ta ut råvarer fra natur ressurs. For eksempel, fisker bruker bare en del av pengene sine til å fiske fisk fra sjøen.

I andre ledd trenger varene transportasjon. I tillegg til råvarer uttak er det nødvendig for bedriften å bruke penger for råvarer transport. Så blir det varer litt dyrere enn første trinn. Der etter råvare må sette inn i bedrift for produksjon slik at råvaren blir ferdig produsert.

Bedriften måtte samarbeides med grossist å sette prisene for ferdigprodukter. Grossist videre sendt vare til distribusjon og distributør leverer varene til detaljist. Kundene kan kjøpe varene fra detaljist.

Alle trinn av verdikjeden knytte til hver andre. Kostnads og verdi av varer øker fra hvert trinn av produksjon. Hvis råvareuttak er dyr blir det ferdigvare automatisk dyr i butikken. Sluttbruker må betale alle kostnader fra råvareuttak til vare blir ferdig produsert og klar til å kjøpe i butikk.

I tilegg til alle kostnader for varer produksjon tar myndigheter mer verdi avgifter som alle må betale. I den måte er det vanskelig å minimere alle logistikkostnadene. Det er fordi mange avgifter og tjenester er der i forskjellige trinn av verdikjeden for produkter.

Etter varer blir brukt ved sluttbruker blir det gjenvinning. Avfall sorteringsanlegg er fornuftig for resirkulering av ferdigbrukt varer. Det er viktig for en produksjon bedrift å kunne begrene miljøvennlig retur logistikk også.

Friday, September 30, 2011


Av Robert Sanga

Det er umulig å drive en bedrift eller åpne en butikk uten god ordning av lager. Lager forsikrer at butikken har noen varer å selge og at butikken skal ikke bli tomt innen i en kort perioden. Mat butikken som Coop Mega, Storkaia brygge, Kristiansund har meieri produkter lager, forskjellige kjøtter lager, varer i arbeids lager, fersk fisk og sjø mat lager, grønnsaker og frukter lager, fryseren lager og råvarer lager.

Det er forskjellige behov for lagring av ulike typer varer. Det er fordi ikke alle varer er sammen. Noen varer trenger kald temperatur men noen trenger ikke det. Så er det nødvendig å ha ulike typer lager. Bedriften kan benytter seg av forskjellige lager både for framtid salg og produksjon.

Det er lageravdelingen eller en lageransvarlig som tar seg av lageret i bedriften.
Handelsbedrifter bruker lager å lagre varer for framtidig salg mens produksjonsbedrifter bruker for framtidig produksjon.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

En terminal

Av Robert Sanga

- Terminal er en plass hvor alle transport midler begynner eller avsulter å transportere varer eller passasjer. Terminal spiller en viktig del i transport. Logistikken er avhengig av terminaler.

Det er to typer terminaler nemlig passasjerterminal og godsterminal. Det er mange buss som skal transportere personer i passasjerterminal. Men er det vanlig å se bare noen få person med mange typer laste biler i godsterminal.

Den tiden varen venter eller klargjøres for transport er kjent som terminaltid. For eksempel alle varer må forvente før det blir transportert. Derfor er det viktig for logistikk operatør å kunne begrenes terminaltid slik at varer blir transportert i riktig tid som forventet.

Moderne terminaler har butikken, bagasjeoppbevaring plass, reiseruten, toalettene, gods lager, transport frekvenstabeller, klokka og mange andre tilbud som passerer kan nytte seg av.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Av Robert Sanga

- Eksternlogistikk er transport og lagring av varer fra produksjonsbedrifter til annet sted. Det handler om behandling av både gods og varer fra bedriften til butikken. Dokumentasjon er en viktig del av eksternlogistikk.

Klargjøring for midlertidig lagring før videre behandling av varer er også en del av eksternlogistikk. For eksempel Coop Mega har en stor lager i Trondheim som butikken bruker å holde alle importert varer fra utland. Deretter blir varer videresend til forskjellige Coop Mega butikker både i Trøndelag og Møre og Romsdal områder.

Ferdig produkter er transportere fra produksjon firma til butikker slik at kunder kan handles. Eksternlogistikk kan være handling av vare fra bedrift til bedrift i nasjonale og internasjonale nivå. Eksport og import av varer er eksempel av eksternlogistikk.

Alle importer og eksport varer må ha en god dokumentasjon. Dokumentering, klassifisering og klargjøring av forsendelser er en viktig del av eksternlogistikk. Nesten ingen vare kan bli importert fra andre land uten dokumentasjon.


Av Robert Sanga

- Internlogistikk er transport og lagring av varer innen i bedriften. Det handler om behandling av varer som er kun internt i bedriften. Planlegge, gjennomføre og dokumentere arbeidsoppgaver er en vitikg for internlogistikk.

Ulike hjepemidler som truck, jakketralle og transportbånd er bruk å transportere varer innen i bedriften. Det er lett å bli skadet med jobben i produksjon bedriften. Både arbeidsgiver og arbeidstakker bør ha en regelverk for helse, miljø og sikkerhet.

Internlogistikk handler om lagering av ferdig produkter og registrering av varer inn og ut av lager. Noen produksjonsbedrifter måtte lagre varer innen i bedriften. Det er vanskelig for dem å sende varer direkt til kunder rett etter varer blir produsert. For eksemple Möller’s Tran produksjon bedrift i Oslo har mange Tran flasker i lager før det blir levert til kundene.

Kunderbehandling og befording av gods og bagasje er viktig del av internlogistikk.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Norway ram chhiatna tawng chungchang

By Sui Than Sanga

Rin loh takin Norway ram Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg office leh sorkar building pawl bulah 22 July, 2011 ni khan bomb tih puah a ni. Bomb puahna hmun hi Oslo khuapui lairil tak a nih bakah hmun pawimawh tak pawh a ni. A puaknat hle vangin sorkar building a chhiat nasat bakah inhliam pem an tamin, nunna chan ta pawh mipariat lai an tling tawh tia hriat a ni.

Chutia bomb puahna hun rei lova, Arbeidenes Ungomsfylking (AUF) pawl inkhawmpuina hmun Utøya khuamual ah mipui tlingkhawm 650 zingah thalai 68 tein trumkhatah kah hlum an tuar bawk a ni. Inkahna hmun Utøya atrang tuifinriat lam panin tlanchhuah tuma boral ta tia rin, ruang thenkhate chu zawng hmuh theih hrih loh a ni. Bomb puak vangin nasa takin hliam tuarte dinhmun pawh hriatchiang hrih loh a nih vangin boralte hi tun aiin an tam zawk mai thei tiin norsk rikskringkasting (NRK) chuan a puang a ni.

Tuntrum ah chhiatna ang hi Norwegian pawlin khawvel indopui pahnihna (second world war) zawh atrang khan an tawng ngai hrih lo a ni. Lei khawvel ram hrang hrangte zingah ralmuan ber ramin tiang khawpin chhiatna a tuar ta hi a pawi hle a ni.

Politi sikkerhetstjeneste (PST) pawlin Oslo khuapui ah bomb tipuaktu leh Utøya ah silai hmangin thalaite suasamtu Anders Behring Breiviks (Anders) chu an man fel tawh a ni. Anders hian mahni pualin Norway leh Europe ram pawl rorel dan leh mipui nun phung thlak danglam tumin, a lo inbuatsaihna hi kum 9 lai a tling tawh nia hriat a ni. Norwegian ni mahse tiang khawpin a ram-mite chungah kut a thlak duh mai hi hriatthiam a har hle a ni.

Anders hian Muslim firfiak pawl a duh loh bakah Scandinavian leh Europe khuamual ah ram dangmi pungbelh zel hi rem a ti lo bur mai a ni. Tiang pawl leh tunna thuneihna chelh mek Arbeider parti (Labour party) dodalna a neih langtir hma hian “2085 A European Declaration of Independence” tih page 1500 lai tling “Manifesto” lehkha pawh a buatsaih bawk a ni.

Chawlhni 24-07-2011 khan khua har chhungte tan national levelin lusun inkhawm tawngtaina chu a ram chhung biakin hrang hrang ah buatsaih a ni. Thawhtan 25/07/2011 ni tlai lam dar 12:00 chiah khan a rampum huapin minute khat chhung ngawih rengna neih bakah mipuitein an trangrual zia lang tir nan khuatin deuh thaw ah kawng an zawh bawk a ni. Norway ramin rin loh takin chhiatna a tawng vangin a ram-mite lung chhiatna hi khawvel ram hrang hrangah ram hruai tutein an tuarhpui nasa hle bawk a ni.

Muslim sakhuana firfiak taka hmangin America rama buaina siamtu Osama Bin Ladin boralna rei lova, Anders Behring Breiviks hian Norway rama buaina danglam tak a siam chhuak leh a ni. An buaina siam vangin rapthlak takin boral ta leh nasa takin inhliam pem pawh an tam hle a ni. A bik takin tuntruma tuar fal bik Norwegian pawl tan kan tawngtaipui theuh dawn nia.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


By Robert Sanga

A citizen is an inhabitant of a state who is entitled to the rights, privileges and protections. The state is responsible for the welfare of its citizens. The obligations of a citizen toward the state are different from one country to another. Natural, naturalize, honorary and dual citizenship are commonly known citizenship.

Natural citizenship is granted to all the children of those parents who are already the citizen. They acquire citizenship by birth as their parents are the citizen. A citizenship is automatically granted to such persons. There are some states which grant automatic citizenship to the persons who have been born in their territory even if their parents are not citizen of that country.

However, all the people living in a particular state cannot automatically become a citizen. The aliens, refugees, migrant workers, tourist and other people living in a state are not citizens. Though they are granted some rights but they do not enjoy the same rights as those of citizens. Certain rights like right to vote, social equality and benefits offer by state to citizens are not given to them.

Diplomatic representatives, ambassadors, commissioners, counsels and other staff attached with Embassy are not citizens of their residential place of work. But they are entitled to certain privileges and immunities. These could not be taken away as they are in the jurisdiction of the state and country to which they originally belong to.

Citizenship can be acquired by fulfilling certain criteria and condition as laid down by a state. A person can apply for citizenship of any country for which the resident state may or may not grant. This type of apply citizenship is known as naturalize citizenship and it can be acquired to subject to rules and regulations of a state.

The general requirement set by Norwegian government to grant Norwegian citizenship to a foreigner is not the same as those of other countries in which the authorities set specific standard for acquiring citizenship. Citizenship can be generally acquired through long residence, marriage, adoption and government service. It can also be lost by obtaining a citizenship of another country.

However, country like India, Norway, German, America, Australia, England and a few other countries grant dual citizenship. It means that their citizen can get a chance to have a citizenship of another countries without losing their original citizenship. They can also grant and receive a honorary citizenship.

Democratic leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was given Canadian honorary citizenship in 2007. It's a great symbol for the country in honoring her struggle against brutal Burmese military regime. The state has to respect religions, ethnicities, languages and cultural diversity of citizens. It’s very sad that Burma (Myanmar) continue to face over sixty years of civil war as Burmese military regime do not want to grant certain rights, privileges and protections to fellow citizens.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Barndom før og nå

Av Robert Sanga

Det er forskjellige måter man kan oppdrage et barn. Samfunn i både gamle og moderne tid sette pris på barnesoppdragelse. Barnesoppdragelse er faktisk en viktig del av samfunn. Det er fordi ungene er fremtiden for samfunnet. Alle foreldrene ønsker at barna skal ta den nødvendige utdanning og ha god oppførsel også.

I gammel tid ble barna oppdratt i hjemmet og foreldrene selv lærte dem. Det er foreldrene som tar ansvar for barna sine. Hvis foreldrene ble skilt eller døde kunne nærmeste familie passe på barna deres.

Barn spiller en viktig rolle i arbeidsliv i gammel tid. Det er fordi barna hadde en mulighet til å delta i det daglige arbeid. Mange av dem hjalp deres foreldre. De lærer seg fra foreldrene om hvordan skal de dyrke maten. Derfor har de god kunnskap om bønder arbeidsliv da de vokste opp og ble voksne.

I dag er det barn helt forskjell fra gamle tiden. Det er fordi oppdragelse av barn i gammeltid er ikke sammen som i dag. De fleste av foreldrene arbeider i kontor eller produksjonsbedriften. Så har det en liten mulighet til å passe på barna sine. Derfor måtte barna være i barnehage slik at de kan lek, spill og lærer noen sammen med andre barna.

Det industriell revolusjon har faktisk forandret både samfunn og barna liv. Barna har bedre mulighet til å utvikle seg. De kan bruke moderne teknologi å lære noen nytt. Staten kringkaster barna program gjennom tv, radio og internett. Barna har eget spesiell barna tv program slik at de kan kose seg i morgenen og kvelden.

Rike foreldrene kjøper pc, mobil, digital kamera, video og videre slik at barna kan ha det bra. Barna er avhengige av dem og ønsker å ha mer av moderne produkter. Men problemer er at barna blir materialistisk når de vokser opp. Feil måte av oppdragelse av barna er et stort problem i dag.

Jeg synes at neo barn har oppførselsproblemer. Det er fordi de er avhengige av data spill eller noen andre ting. I sted for konsentrerer seg selv å lære noen nytt, bruker de mye tider på data spill. Det er lik som en moderne sykdom som smitter fra et barn til andre.

Derfor er det veldig viktig å passe på at barn vokser opp i et riktig miljø. Barn bør lærer så mye ting som mulig og i samtidig nytter barndom også.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


By Robert Sanga

U2 is a name of popular rock music band from Ireland. The band actively involves in social transformation around the world. As the music group is particular about their music, the sounds they produced were mostly very wonderful to listen. It’s because they have years of experiment with the electronics music. That experiment made them special in enabling to produce amazing music.

Bono is the main vocalist of the U2 music band. His surname is Paul Hewson and he is known as the spokesman for the world’s poor. This means that the singer himself is very much engaged in social change for poor people. As a matter of fact most of the songs that he had sung are related to the suffering of the people and social issues.

The music group is famous not only for producing love songs but also music that had solid political background. They actually are very much supportive for the establishment of open society. They had depicted the problems of civil war among the Irish in their music. They prioritized the restoration of peace within the conflict ethnicities and regions around the world.

The band had dedicatedly composed a song for Nobel Peace Prize winner Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. The name of the song was “Walk On” which was released in the album name “All that you can’t leave behind”. The album had won “Grammy Award for record of the year” in 2002 as it had touched the heart of millions of people. This particular song had created more awareness of the Burmese regime inhuman treatment toward their fellow citizens. The song was also used in supporting and uplifting people as it had a very touching effect!

The music band is known for their distinct characteristic of producing political, social and even environmental music in depicting the beauty of nature. This had distinguished them from the ordinary rock band. They are special for their dedication and positive transformation that they had brought to the international community through their music. I am sure that this very talented and legendary music group will continue to be known in the future time and generation to come.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Av Robert Sanga

Logistikk består av aktivitetene innkjøp, produksjon og distribusjon. Det dreier seg om flyten av varer og informasjon fra råvareleverandør via produksjon frem til sluttbruker og til eventuell gjenvinning.

Logistikk handler om all transport av personer og gods med alle typer transportmidler.Det er et sentralt begrep i logistikken.

Med dagens datateknologi er det mulig å ha informasjon om hvor varen er nær sagt uansett hvor på jorden den befinner seg. Samfunn rundt i verden er avhengig av god logistikk systemer.

Produksjon bedrifter, butikker og kunder kan fungere ikke som det skal uten logistikk. Bedriften trenger å transportere varene på plass til riktig tid. De måtte frakter varene å sende videre til leverandører eller butikken. Deretter kan kundene kjøper det.

Moderne informasjonsteknologi og kunnskap spiller en viktig roller i logistikk. Datasystemet er bruker til å registrere varer eller sender informasjon. En leverandør kan bestille varer i løpe av kort tid gjennom internett fra hvilken som helst land i verden. Etter bekreftelser av bestillingen kan varer blir send til kunder ved bruk av forskjellige transport måter.

Planlegging er en viktig del i logistikk. Både reiser og frakte av varer bør ha en grundig planlegg. Alle bør planlegge før det blir aktuelle reiser fra et sted til andre sted. For eksempel hvis noen vil ta en tur til Oslo fra Kristiansund må de planlegge turen først. Det gjelder sammen for frakt av gods til forskjellige steder også. Ifølge med god planlegging alle bør transportere i riktig tid punkt!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

“Thlacam A Biapi Ngai”

By Sui Than Sanga

Pathian leh minung i biak awnak caah thlacam hi a biapi ngai. Harsat buainak leh lung lawmnak kan tawng tikah thlacam hi a tha ngai. Ni chiartein rawl kan ei ban tukin thla zawng cam ding a si. Pathian nih unau chhungkhar kimtein leh mah pumpak lawngte zawngin thlacam dingin a kan cawng piak hna.

Gospel ca uk pawl kan rel tikah thlacam a biapi ngai tih cu thei kho si. Pathian hmingin thlacam kan thawk hnuah a dawng nakah Jesus Christ hmingin thlacam dihter ding a si. Lung thiangtein leh zumhnak tak tak he, thlacamnak neih ah cun thlarau thianghlim lam hruainak ngah kho si.

Pathian nih minung a kan duhdawt ban tukin, kanni minung pawl zawng nih Amah kan duhdawt ve a hau. Thla kan camah cun kan siang kainak, rian tuanak leh nunphung kawng kip ah thlachhuah kan ngah lai. Pathian nih sualnak thil leh ruahnak tha lo lak ih sin, a kan venghim lai.

Pathian thlarau thianghlim nih valei chungah kan um liova, thiltha tuah dingin a kan chhim tawn. Mah cu thatein kan ngaih tawn, a biapi ngai si. Kan ram cozah that lo ruangah ram chhungah buainak tampi neimi, kan Chin miphun caah kan zatein thlacam piakin, thazang kan pek peng a herh ngai. Mah lawng si lovin midang caah zawng thlacam piaknak neih kho peng hi thil tha tak tak a si.

Monday, January 31, 2011


By Robert Sanga

Multiculturalism stands for the cultural diversities and the enjoyment of the liberty with different cultures. It does not differentiate people on the basis of their minority status in languages, cultures, religious and nationalities. It promotes the peaceful coexisting of the different minorities and nationalities.

In a big multicultural countries like America, Canada, and India minorities are provided with special rights so that they could be developed with their culture in the public domain. Those countries have given cultural rights as demanded by the different minorities as a result of which there is a harmony between the people in the country.

Multiculturalism considers each culture as distinct values and protects the interest of minority. It not only minimizes the minority discrimination but also creates the conditions for the survival and enhancement of the minority. The cultural diversity is essential for the balanced and all round development of individual as well as a society.

Discrimination against any particular group of minorities can create political and social unrest in the country. In fact, it’s a major factor which contributes to a revolutionary and struggle for freedom. It has been more than six decades that ethnic minorities in Burma have conflict with the regime. It’s because the dictatorial regime did not want to grant self determination to it culturally diverse citizens.

It is important to safeguard each culture so that every individual attains a balanced and meaningful growth of his personality. This would provide equal opportunity and freedom to each culture and values for the development of the nation.