Robert Sanga

Robert Sanga

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Short Note on Political Violence

Note on Political Violence

By Robert Sanga 

Aristotle was the first political scientist who discussed the nature and causes of political violence. He pointed out that change in the balance of social forces in a particular state was responsible for political violence. In fact, violence is a purposeful political action to register protest of certain sections of society against "Wrong" policies of the government. Aggression and violence have been a part of human history since the ancient times. In modern times, revolution as a form of political violence is carried out to change the form of government and to transform social structure.

There are many causes that give birth to political violence. Men take recourse to violence as a last resort. People decide to use violent methods when they think that their survival as a family, community and state will have to have to suffer no end. If the non-violent actions and legal methods failed to deliver good for them, then people usually take to violent. The following are some of the causes for political violence.

1) General Causes

Wrong and oppressive policies of the bad government create resentment in the mind of the people. As a result of excessive taxation, hike in the prices of essential commodities, excessive use of force to put down peaceful agitation are some of the general causes of violence. Kautilya of Indian political philosopher was of the opinion that impoverishment of the people, greediness of the government and dissatisfaction between one another are some of the causes that turn into political violence.

2) The concept of national self- determination

During the last two centuries a large number of countries of Third World became colonies of Western countries. They wanted to free themselves from foreign domination. Hence, they waged violent struggles against foreign rule. Burmese liberation movements have been under the leadership of violent movement. Even developed countries like Great Britain and Canada faced the problem of secession in Northern Ireland and Quebec respectively.

3) Ideology

In modern times, ideology has played an important role in the spread of political violence. Ideology mobilizes people and gives them a certain cause to wage struggle against the state. Most of the movements in modern times are ideology in character. Fascism and Nazism were two such ideologies. Italy and Germany glorified force and used extreme forms of violence to capture political power during Second World War.

4) Religions and ethnic conflicts

Many of the west European countries witnessed religions conflicts during the 17th and 18th centuries. The conflict was basically between the Catholics and the Protestant. Inter-Religions conflicts take place between two religions communities, between Christian and Muslim, Jews and Muslim, Hindu and Muslim. The radical groups in Afghanistan and Pakistan wanted to purify their religion and take to an extreme form of violence.

Cultural and ethnic minorities want to preserve their separate identity. They want to secure and protect their rights which usually led to violence. These minorities are formed on the basis of race, religion, language and culture. Different nationalities in Burma, Quebec province in Canada, Northern Ireland in Great Britain, different minorities in India, the Chechen in Russia, Tibetans in China, Kurds in Iraq and Iran are some of the example of this type of violence. In some cases like Sri Lanka, the struggle of minorities assumed the form of extremely separatist violence.

5) Political disputes between different elite groups

Governing elite in each state consist of groups, factions and these groups are involved in power politics. These groups and factions use violent methods to secure support of the people. Political disputes among the elite may result in splits and divisions in the ruling group. In Burma the elected government under the leadership of U Nu was overthrown on March 2, 1962 by military coup led by General Ne Win. Burma became directly under the influence of military government since then.

6) Economic conditions and the concept of relative deprivation

Economic condition gives birth to different types of political violence because they generate resentment in the minds of the people. It is the wrong policies of the government to push a large section of the people into below poverty line. As a result of this there is growing inflation, decline living standards of the people, price rise, unemployment and non-availability of essential commodities in the market. These factors force people to take streets and participate in violent demonstrations against the irresponsible government.

Through out Burma, workers, farmers, students and other sections of the society took part in demonstrations to protest against the military government in August, 1988 which is popularly known as 8888. The military administrators had responded the peaceful demonstrations of the people brutally and repressively. However, military of Burma had not achieved it objects of silencing them forever for which there has been a very strong and powerful revolution led by some students and the monks against them. If the military continuously fail to address the economic hardship, deprive justices, rights and freedom of expressions there will be regeneration of people movement in Burma sooner or later.

The workers, farmers and the common people must develop consciousness about their rights in their mind. When a section of people begin to believe in successful revolution, it takes recourse to agitation. The feeling of relative deprivation of all the people can easily gives birth to political violence.

7) Support by neighboring countries

Sustained political violence in a state always get support from the neighboring countries. Burma has been trading its forest wealth, mineral and natural resource for a cheap bargain in order to purchase weapons from neighboring countries. The military used the weapons to kill the monks, students and common people instead of protecting them.

There exist different forms of political violence because of the above mentioned seven point of causes for political violent. Some different forms of political violence are known as follow:

1) Violent protest by the people
2) Terrorism
3) Military Revolts and Military Coups
4) Revolts and rebellions
5) War and Revolution

Lectures notes from Political Theory - MPS, IGNOU class of 2015.