Robert Sanga

Robert Sanga

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Burmese Brain Drain

"Brain Drain"
Dated: 01-08-2009

By Robert Sanga Hualngo

The term brain drain is generally uses to point out the problem of immigration face by underdeveloped countries. People resettle from small villages to bigger cities and from developing countries to highly developed countries. There are many causes which are responsible for a large number of emigrations from third world countries to various places.

Burmese military regime had created civil war of discrimination against fellow citizens for more than six decades. Thousands of people were killed in several occasions of demonstration against the regime. The tyranny had ruined the economy, education and health care system of the country. As a result of which there are millions of Burmese immigrants in the neighboring countries.

The country lost human resources as most people had immigrated. The bad economic situation makes it hard to find a job. The regime is not interested in providing good facilities and social services to the poor. There is a very little option of employment even for the skillful individuals. That's why they have to leave their native places. The suffering of the ordinary people increased as more and more educated had migrated.

Many Burmese have found a better living condition abroad. They got good rewards for their investment. It’s wonderful that they could live a comfortable life. But it’s also important to remember those who are left behind below poverty line in the country. Their condition gets worst because they experience the dramatic drain of resourceful people among them.

I hope that each Burmese will seriously consider in serving our beloved people and country. I know that nationwide awakening can be generated by the feeling of patriotism and nationalism. It would be very supportive for all the immigrants to organize a successful revolution against the regime as to reverse the problem of Burmese brain drain.

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